Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It continues ...

Well, there is one thing about exercise. It never stops. It is always there, waiting to be done. It is like a caged lion, ready to jump up and chase you around, until your legs are tired, your heart is pounding, your sweat is dripping, your energy is going and your feet are hurting. Bring it on, and keep running from the lion, I say.

It does get tough, though, as anyone that has undertaken a massive event, like running 100k would attest to. This week, it has been 15k (at a reasonable clip - 11.5 k an hour and higher) on Tuesday. Wednesday, instead of doing a slow 8, I did a bit faster (same speed as above) 10 k. I really did those two days easily. Then, today, Thursday, holy crap. I was aiming at another 15 k, but I could only manage 10 k. I was running as slow as 9 k an hour, at some stages. Gee it was tough. Not sure why, just getting used to the consistency of a solid training program, I guess. But hey, living the dream.

The three runs this week have been on a treadmill at the Cove Gym, in Perth. I like a mix of road and treadmill, and both have their own pros and cons. I like the consistency of speed of the treadmill. It just keep going at the speed that you set it at. And, given that I am working in Perth at the moment, I don't like running in the city, with traffic lights, pollution, people, cars and other things to either get in the way, or to stop the progress of an elite athlete.

Anyway, I am shagged today. I went to this South Korean Physio yesterday, to see if she could loosen up my ITB, and hence reduce some of the keen pain that I have been struggling with. Get this, one of the first things she said was "do you like acupuncture". Of course I effen don't - I hat needles. That did not stop her, apparently, as within a few minutes, I have needles jammed into the muscles in my leg. Holy crap, what an experience. Very different, but I should say, very effective. It feels great today. I must say, though, it is a weird experience, the needle thing. She reckoned that the needles could better pin point (what a pun) the source of the tightness, encourage blood flow, and generally make the muscles looser. She said something about energy flows and charkras at one stage (holy crap again), but my eyes glazed over at that stage. The only energy I need flowing is that which gets to my legs when I am running.

Anyway, maybe tomorrow will be a rest day. Looking forward to that. Then a big weekend of running, and I want to get some riding in, as well as loving the family time.

By the way, you know you are an elite athlete (not) when "you watch the middle aged lady on the treadmill next to you crank the speed up to over 15 k per hour, while you trudge away at 11 or 12 k per hour. Arrrgh."

Until next time, keep running.

Anton G

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